La nascita dei nostri vitelli - Vicini Azienda Agricola

Our animals, our Hairy Friends

We are glad to introduce you to our hairy friends! Cows, goats, sheep, hen, a couple pigs and our dogs.

We have obviously named all of them. They’re all free to graze in the warm season, six months per year, and in winter you’ll find them close to our stables and barns, resting in a safe and cozy shelter.

Our ruminants are fed exclusively with fresh grass in summer and hay in winter, while the rich and delicious whey from our dairy goes to our pigs.

Our goats give us milk to produce cheese and yoghurt, but only after their kids have been weaned.

Some cows are milked to produce other types of cheese, yoghurt, butter, gelato and granitas, but some others are left nursing their calfs until the the calf itself decides it has grown up enough… Still, some of them don’t seem too keen to leave, so it is not rare to see some young bulls breastfeeding from our cows.

We milk our animals exclusively by hand, for a number of reasons. If you’re interested, we’ll be happy to share our view with you.

Our sheep will welcome you by running towards you and showing off everchanging “hairstyles”, which we invent when we sheer them with the classic scissors.

To make our hairy friends comfortable in their stables we only use dry leaves, which have a positive side effect of creating amazing manure to feed back into our fields. For your information, this practice would also suit organic and biodynamic cultivation standards.

Fancy a fresh egg? Let’s find out if our hen have made some!

Medicines are used very rarely on our farm, and only when strictly needed by our hairy friends. Sometimes we ask for help to our great vet, the same way we would treat our own children.

In our daily activities we are helped and accompanied by our three dogs: our watchdogs Loki and Silea and Mila, which is learning the art of shepherding.